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Short Term Drug Rehabs

If you or someone you care about has a history of moderate drug or alcohol abuse for only a brief period of time, a short term drug rehab may be the answer. A short term drug rehab offers a variety of services to meet the needs of treatment clients with minimal dependence, that wont need an extensive treatment plan requiring them to remain in treatment for longer than a month. Short histories of substance abuse can be resolved easily in a short-term rehab, and individuals who don't want their problem to progress can find the help they need at short term drug rehabs. Individuals who do have more extensive histories of substance abuse should be aware that short term drug rehabs do not offer the level of care and the appropriate length of treatment they will require. In these instances, there are various long term treatment options available all over the country.

In short term drug rehab, treatment clients will achieve physical stability and recover from the physical effects of substance abuse during the initial phase of treatment. Some clients will have easily detoxed on their own if their dependence to drugs or alcohol wasn't very significant, while others may be experiencing either moderate or more intense symptoms of withdrawal when they arrive at short term drug rehab. Treatment counselors at a short term drug rehab will help individuals through detox if withdrawal symptoms are not severe or life threatening in-house, as individuals with very little history of substance abuse will often have very mild cases of withdrawal when they arrive in treatment. Proper rest, nutrition and exercise is all that is typically required when an individual arrives to short term drug rehab with only a brief history of substance abuse.

If an individual is in fact experiencing intense physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms, this is often a sign of more serious dependence. This is an indication that the individual may require a more intensive and long term treatment option, and is something treatment counselors will monitor during their stay in a short term drug rehab. Otherwise, treatment counselors may suggest or the individual will be required to check into a more long term facility from the get-go, to avoid any complications or any type of setback such as a relapse. Because it can take a few weeks to overcome physical obstacles to sobriety and abstinence during treatment if an individual is seriously dependent and addicted to drugs or alcohol, it may be wise to begin treatment straight away in a long term drug rehab program if this is the case. Just a few weeks in treatment in a short term drug rehab is not going to cut it in these instances.

For individuals who only require a brief stay in short term rehab, treatment counselors can work with them through counseling and other types of therapy to ensure they aren't at risk of relapse when they leave treatment. For example, there may be things in their environment which they can change which can cause them less stress or help them avoid negativity in their lives. These circumstances and situations may have originally prompted their substance abuse, and will certainly do so again if not resolved in treatment. It is wise to uncover all of these issues while the individual is in treatment, because a relapse in the future because of unresolved issues could result in a far worse addiction and dependency problem.

This can take a considerable amount of time, even if the individual isn't currently experiencing a high level of dependence or addiction to drugs or alcohol. If more time is needed to address such issues, it is often recommended that treatment clients continue their treatment plan in a long term drug rehab. In a long term drug rehab, their needs can be met and they will not pressured by time constraints. This will gives them the opportunity to resolve important issues which could compromise their abstinence if left unresolved.

Short term drug rehabs are sometimes the only option for individuals who have no insurance and cant afford long term treatment or whose insurance will only cover a brief stay in treatment. So even if someone is highly addicted and dependent to drugs a short term drug rehab is where they will end up. The fact of the matter is there are solutions to this problem if the individual is not going to benefit from a short term solution. There is no sense in going through the motions to get well, when it isn't a sufficient amount of time to do so. Insurance companies have evolved over the years, in terms of what they will and will not cover for drug rehab programs. It is recommended that individuals who know they will require long term treatment speak with a treatment counselor at a long term facility who may be able to work with their insurance company. Often times, a long term stay in drug rehab at exceptional facilities will be covered once insurance companies are liaised with treatment counselors at these facilities. It is definitely worth checking into.

Treatment at any type of rehab program can be a rewarding and highly beneficial process. The key is finding the right drug rehab program for the individual, putting aside all logistical obstacles which can be ultimately be resolved one way or the other. If a short term drug rehab program is the right option, these programs are often covered by all forms of public and private health insurance and some even offer treatment at little or no cost to the client. An individual may begin a short term drug rehab only to find that just a few weeks will not be enough for them to overcome their dependency and addiction issues. No one should be discouraged if this is the case, and their individual and their family can begin looking into more long term treatment options with the help of treatment counselors. There are many such options available in a variety of different treatment settings, so there should be no problem with finding an effective option which makes sense.